Hosting a Screening

After five long and winding years in production, MRS ROBINSON made its world premiere at the 2024 Galway Film Fleadh.
The journey to the screen involved a team of over 30 talented colleagues, all whom made difficult sacrifices to pursue their passion of working as storytellers.
Blind leaps of faith, the investment of countless hours without payment, early mornings, late nights and long weekends.
This is the sweat equity involved for the creatives behind the production of any independent film. And when it is all done, we set out again – with a blank piece of paper and the seed of an idea – to try and do it all over again.

We are interested in hearing from anyone who is interested in bringing the inspirational story of Mary Robinson to new audiences.
We have laid out some pointers below that we hope will be useful as we explore a collaboration:

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Thank you very much for your interest in the film.